Proact delivers storage and backup platform to Swedish consumer electronics retailer SIBA

Proact will supply a new storage and backup platform to Swedish consumer electronics retailer SIBA. To secure data availability Proact has designed a solution for both primary storage and backup. Under the agreement Proact will also deliver 24/7 support.

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Teufel Software deploys Tintri’s VM-Aware storage

Improving operational efficiency and fulfilling SLAs for business-critical hosted SAP applications.

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SolidFire launches Fuelled by SolidFire

SolidFire has launched Fuelled by SolidFire™, a comprehensive go-to-market program designed to support cloud providers’ development, positioning, and growth of services built on SolidFire storage technology.

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NASA Ames selects SGI®UV

NASA’s Ames Research Center has selected an SGI® UV™ 2000 shared memory system to support more than a thousand active users around the country who are doing research for earth, space and aeronautics missions.

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Personal Group

Benefits and insurance company looks after the health of its data with EVault Backup and Recovery solution

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New offering makes it easier than ever to store, manage, and protect video and unstructured data.
Enhancements help partners sell solutions in a virtual world; company introduces new program to...
Build Group has deployed Druva Phoenix to protect its critical data across multiple locations....
Zadara has introduced the latest enhancements to its service offering, focusing on eliminating the...
Moving core banking system and data to Linux-based x86 fosters greater innovation, integration and...
Burden of IT support growing as a result of increased user expectations and lack of understanding...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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