Höchste Sicherheit schon bei der Auslieferung: DIGITTRADE stattet High Security-Festplatte HS256S mit spezieller Sicherheitsverpackung aus

Um Manipulationen während der Auslieferung ihrer Hochsicherheitsfestplatten zu verhindern, liefern die IT-Sicherheitsspezialisten von DIGITTRADE die HS256S ab sofort zusätzlich in einer speziellen Sicherheitsverpackung aus. Ab Werk werden alle sicherheitsrelevanten Komponenten des mobilen, staatlich zertifizierten Datentresors mit Epoxidharz versiegelt. Zudem sind spezielle Aufkleber an den Öffnungsstellen des Gehäuses der High Security-Festplatte angebracht, um...

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Wave Cloud 2014 debuts

Industry’s only cloud service for self-encrypting drive (SED) management can now handle the spectrum of endpoint encryption technologies. Wave Systems Corp. has launched Wave Cloud 2014, a cloud-based service for enterprise-wide management of endpoint encryption. Originally named Wave Cloud when the product became available last year, Wave Cloud 2014 now includes management of Windows BitLocker and Mac FileVault in addition to self-encrypting drives (SEDs), enabling the service to...

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Lancope Appoints Tim (TK) Keanini as CTO

Keanini brings nearly 25 years of network and security experience with companies including Cisco and nCircle.

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Emulex Gen 5 Fibre Channel HBAs qualified by Fusion-io

Emulex Corporation says that Emulex LightPulse® Gen 5 Fibre Channel (16GFC) Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) are qualified for use in Fusion-io ION Data Accelerator storage products.

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Ingenuity Studios has selected VAST to help deliver next-level realism to a host of long- and...
Nutanix has added new capabilities to the Nutanix® Cloud Platform that make it easier for...
Lenovo’s new ThinkSystem SR860 V2 and SR850 V2 mission critical servers feature 3rd Gen Intel...
The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), a globally recognized and trusted authority for...
Cloudian has launched a joint solution with Seagate Technology to provide industry-leading storage...
New capabilities give customers choice in where and how they place their data to enhance agility,...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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