Imaging Solutions & BridgeHead expand healthcare data management in Australia & New Zealand

Specialist healthcare reseller widens product portfolio with BridgeHead’s Healthcare Data Management (HDM) Solution.

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Telemach invests in high-capacity Flexible Optical Network from Transmode

Transmode has supplied Telemach in Slovenia with a new high capacity optical network running from Ljubljana to Maribor and Vienna in Austria. The new network replaces an existing core/access infrastructure with a flexible and scalable solution that will significantly reduce operating costs and long term service overheads.

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Cubeware investiert verstärkt in Business Partner

Neu aufgesetztes Business-Intelligence-Partnerprogramm bietet erstklassige Möglichkeiten für Software- und BI-Spezialisten mit profundem Branchen-Know-how

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IT-Trainingsanbieter schließt Reseller-Partnerschaft mit

Fast Lane bietet Trainings für die Verwaltung und Entwicklung Cloud-basierter Salesforce-Applikationen an

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Overland führt neue Scale-Out-NAS-Plattform SnapScale X4 ein

Neue Plattform bietet mehr Funktionen, eine um 50 Prozent höhere Datendichte, sowie vereinheitlichten Datenzugriff auf Block- und Dateiebene

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With the General Availability of Object Storage in Multi-AZ configuration, Scaleway takes data...
Scale Computing HC3 powers world leader in cast solutions with high-performance, reliable IT...
Red Hat, Inc. and NEC Corporation has announced a collaboration to jointly develop network...
SuperWomen in Flash has shared figures from a recent study by the National Center for Women &...
Zadara increases European availability of advanced Storage-as-a-Service platform via...
Plan to make the Jean Zay supercomputer one of the most powerful in France.
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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