Sharp rise in concern over digital threats

Lack of internal resources and exploding cybercrime a ‘perfect storm’ for CISOs and their teams.

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City, University of London, selects PhishMe

University employs human behavioural conditioning techniques designed to build student and staff resilience to phishing.

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Transparency is the key to making more consumers happy with data sharing

In the run-up to GDPR, new research from the DMA and Acxiom shows that people are increasing happy about the data they share, but transparency is the key to taking this to the next level.

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Hackers using malware to cover their tracks

Analysts at Positive Technologies observe increasing use of malware to hide the aftermath of cyberattacks and motives of perpetrators.

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Neustar expands European data scrubbing estate

Neustar now has the largest, most distributed and technically advanced DDoS mitigation capacity network, globally.

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Newly formed organization preserves competition and ensures continued innovation in general purpose...
Nearly seven out of ten attacks on all firms involved viruses, spyware or malware.
Tele2 IoT expands portfolio with "Private Interconnect", in collaboration with Equinix.
Darktrace research reveals 135% increase in ‘novel social engineering’ attacks in 2023 amidst...
Netwrix survey reveals that employees at 54% of educational organisations use cloud applications to...
More than 51% of business leaders now feel more vulnerable to cyber attacks.
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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