China rates itself as world’s #1

EMC® Corporation has announced results of an independent survey revealing fresh insights about IT strategies and infrastructures deployed within companies and governments throughout the world. Most notably, respondents cite a startling lack of senior executive confidence that permeates organizations globally, specifically concerning readiness around the critical IT requirements of continuous availability; advanced security; and integrated backup and recovery. Reduced investment in these...

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Study shows technology use and risks outpacing IT audit

Survey results find companies challenged by variety of technology issues, including security, governance and social media.

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4TB-Festplatten bringen RAID 6 an seine Grenzen - Höhere Rebuild-Zeiten erfordern Triple Parity von Heiko Wüst, Nexenta Systems

4TB-Festplatten werden zunehmend gängig und erschwinglich, aber viele Administratoren haben Zweifel, ob sie diese wirklich einsetzen sollten. Das Problem: Die Rebuild-Zeit einer Festplatte steigt linear mit ihrer Größe an. Es kann zwei bis vier Tage dauern, bis eine neue 4TB-Platte in einem RAID-Verbund wieder mit den Daten der ausgefallenen Festplatte gefüllt ist. Die Gefahr ist, dass in dieser Zeit weitere Festplatten ausfallen. RAID 6 verträgt zwei Ausfälle...

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Tandberg Data bringt die erste 2 TB RDX®-Wechselplatte auf den Markt

Tandberg Data, Eigentümer der RDX-Technologie und einer der führenden Anbieter professioneller Datensicherungslösungen, erweitert als erster Anbieter weltweit seine RDX-Produktfamilie um eine 2 TB (Terabyte)-Wechselfestplatte

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Mimecast has published the latest Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA) report, an aggregated...
Attackers using COVID-19 pandemic to launch attacks on vulnerable organisations.
Global survey reveals Zero Trust security can mitigate distributed infrastructure risks and help...
According to Venafi study, machine identity related cyberattacks grew by more than 400% between...
asks Karl Sigler, Threat Intelligence Manager, Trustwave.
Security scans performed on 218,000 Magento websites, the most popular e-commerce platform,...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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