Forcepoint launches new businesses

Global cybersecurity leader Forcepoint has established four market-centric business units. Forcepoint’s businesses – Cloud Security, Network Security, Data & Insider Threat Security and Global Governments – will drive innovation across each product portfolio, while teaming to deliver systems that enable companies to provide open, unobstructed access to critical data and intellectual property everywhere, while reducing risk.

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Gemalto unveils robust encryption solutions

New SafeNet Luna HSM and 100 Gbps high-speed encryptors provide the industry’s fastest speeds and performance to encrypt data.

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Bank of England works with Anomali to improve threat intelligence capabilities

The Bank of England FinTech Accelerator recently ran a proof of concept looking at innovative technologies that collect, integrate, hunt and investigate cyber security intelligence data. Following the successful completion of this proof of concept, the Bank has decided to continue to work with Anomali to monitor and mitigate efforts against cyber threats.

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Gigamon delivers advanced inline SSL solution to eliminate network blind spots

New SSL/TLS decryption/encryption solution provides scalable visibility and management of encrypted traffic to expose hidden malware, data exfiltration and command and control threats.

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ThreatConnect announces agreement with BT

BT Security Threat Intelligence now with ThreatConnect platform.

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Research suggests security, privacy, and fear of losing control are Cloud’s biggest...
In addition to an increase in attack numbers by a third compared to the same period last year, the...
Trustwave has launched a new cloud-based security platform to help businesses proactively protect...
A third of business still don’t have an emergency response plan in place, despite 78% of...
Datto’s survey of small-to-mid-sized businesses is the largest of its kind to date, suggests...
Cryptosoft to leverage Symantec’s Roots of Trust and device certificates to secure IoT devices.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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