Transformation in a time of crisis

An audience of over 100,000 joined guest speakers John Chambers and Philip Kotler, who unveiled the book & shared insights.

Transformation in Times of Crisis – Eight Principles for Creating Opportunities and Value in the Post-Pandemic World has launched globally. Transformation in Times of Crisis is the first book written by Nitin Rakesh, CEO of Mphasis and distinguished leader in the IT services industry, co-authored with Jerry Wind, the Lauder Professor Emeritus and Professor of Marketing, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Devised as a business management and leadership book specifically for our times, Transformation in Times of Crisis offers an adaptive, practical guide on capturing opportunity in the midst of crisis.

“This might be a new reality but that does not mean we should surrender to it. We can transform any crisis into opportunities if we apply these eight principles and an analytical framework to our own unique situation.”

The virtual launch of the book, seen by an audience of over 100,000 attendees – including keynotes and panel discussions – is available to watch in full here. In their introduction and subsequent Q&A session, Nitin and Jerry delved into the 8 key principles outlined in their book and how these can add significant value, both now and in a post-pandemic world.

They were joined by guest speakers John Chambers and Philip Kotler, who spoke of what they have learned from navigating set-backs over their long careers, the tactics that worked and how they evolved over the years in leadership and their personal experiences.

Renowned in global business circles, John Chambers is founder and CEO of JC2 Ventures, prior to which he spent over 25 years at the helm of multinational technology conglomerate Cisco. He shared his unique insights on what it takes to stay ahead of the curve in changing times, how he tackled adversity to lead a Fortune 500 company, and provided advice to leaders on getting out of their comfort zone.

Philip Kotler is an internationally recognised marketing expert, professor and author of over 80 books, widely regarded as the ‘father of modern marketing’. He shared his perspective on how the world of marketing has changed over the past nine months, and interesting views on what he believes is most critical for businesses to think and do during a crisis in order to succeed.

“Congratulations to both Nitin and Jerry on the release of such an important and timely book. I love the eight principles, with my favorite being the first one – Challenge Your Mental Models and Always Stay Ahead. I’m confident that Transformation in Times of Crisis can help many in the business community disrupt themselves before anyone else gets a chance to disrupt their business. You are as much a product of your setbacks as you are a product of your successes,” said John Chambers, Founder and CEO of JC2 Ventures.

“I am so excited about the launch of Transformation in Times of Crisis and wholeheartedly believe that every one of the eight principles, though interrelated, can be a book within itself. This is the succinct secret to lasting transformation. Creating value during these uncertain times, each company can use this book to gauge where they stand on each principle and can correct where they are behind,” said Philip Kotler, Father of Modern Marketing.

“I’m thankful to John Chambers and Philip Kotler for taking the time to share their invaluable insights at the unveiling of Transformation in Times of Crisis. Both eminent names in the worlds of business and academia, John Chambers’ and Philip Kotler’s insight of how approaching crises in the right way can pave the way for long-term transformation and growth is extremely relevant in today’s scenario,” said Nitin Rakesh, CEO & Executive Director, Mphasis. “When Jerry and I began collaborating on this book, we sought to share real-world industry case studies to provide a practical guide for business leaders, companies of all sizes and the entrepreneurs of tomorrow on navigating disruption. However, once the pandemic crisis hit, it took on even greater, immediate relevance. So the book itself evolved and ‘transformed’. I hope the actionable tools it offers help anyone looking to defend, disrupt and come out stronger.”

“I’m proud to launch Transformation in Times of Crisis with Nitin. A real highlight was to have two such distinguished speakers in attendance; both Philip and John reached the zenith of their respective fields, and it was hugely valuable to hear their thoughts first-hand on some of the major takeaways from the book, as well as important learnings from their own personal stories. The discussion also showed just how relatable the idea of transformation is to absolutely everyone. We’re glad to share a book that addresses the need of the moment as many struggle to decide their next steps in a volatile climate,” said Jerry Wind, the Lauder Professor Emeritus and Professor of Marketing, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania,

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