With the ongoing consolidation of its computing infrastructure, Brookhaven National Laboratory will provide a unique opportunity for scientific user capabilities to other research centers via an enhanced data analysis ecosystem. Such technology that facilitates fast data transfer from experimental instruments to the ACL’s analysis system and storage will provide prime use cases for A3I with NVIDIA DGXTM systems.
The AI400X, connected to the NVIDIA DGX-2TM, enhances CSI’s system capabilities for AI workloads in the datacenter. Delivering the fastest performance for AI workflows at any scale, the AI400X provides up to 48GBps of throughput, more than 3 million IOPS and up to 256TB of usable NVMe capacity in a 2U form factor. DDN AI400X keeps AI compute systems, often GPU based, fully saturated with I/O, ensuring maximum utilization while managing tough AI data operations.
“Brookhaven National Laboratory’s research and capabilities continue to expand in high-performance computing, applied mathematics, data science, and Quantum Information Science,” said James Coomer, senior vice president of products at DDN. “By partnering with Brookhaven National Laboratory and the implementation of the AI400X, we will help propel advances at the frontiers of science throughout the nation and across the world.”