EMC bringt neue VNXe-Einsteigerversion und Data-at-Rest Encryption für VNX-Produktreihe

Die EMC Corporation erweitert die VNX-Serie für hybride Speicherlösungen um neue Produkte und Funktionen. Dazu gehört das Einsteiger-Speichersystem VNXe3200, das EMC auf Grundlage der im vergangenen September eingeführten VNX-Produktreihe entwickelt hat. Es nutzt die Software EMC MCx (Multicore Optimization) und EMC FAST (Fully-Automated Storage Tiering), um die Leistung von Flash-Speicher besser auszuschöpfen. Das beschleunigt virtuelle Anwendungen und...

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Portugal Telecom and Altran Portugal launch international partnership

Portugal Telecom (PT), the largest telecom provider in Portugal, and leading telecoms consultant Altran Portugal has announced a launch partnership to combine its cloud and data services across Europe.

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HP eliminates barriers to storage modernisation

Replacing old EMC VNX and CLARiiON CX4 arrays with 3PAR StoreServ Storage is now easier than migrating to EMC VNX2.

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NYK Group Europe Ltd selects Oncore to deliver IT service and support for its London office

Oncore IT has renewed a three year contract with NYK Group Europe Ltd to provide comprehensive managed IT services in London, working with NYK Business Systems Europe, the company’s in-house IT company.

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HP expands cloud leadership, hybrid delivery of OpenStack-based technology with next-generation HP...
Due to the improving economy and enhanced financial prospects in South Korea, enterprises embrace...
The win highlights the company’s persistent commitment to delivering innovation through...
In an increasingly interconnected cloud landscape, accessing private direct connections to multiple...
Die Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (BRAK) hat den IT-Dienstleister adesso AG mit den Vorbereitungen zur...
Virtustream’s cloud management software recognised as the first secure hybrid cloud solution...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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