Dell empfiehlt sechs Best Practices für mehr Sicherheit auf mobilen Endgeräten

Immer mehr Mitarbeiter nutzen heute eine Vielfalt unternehmenseigener und privater mobiler Endgeräte für den Zugriff auf kritische Applikationen und Daten. Dell nennt sechs Maßnahmen, die mehr Sicherheit bei der Arbeit mit mobilen Endgeräten gewährleisten

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Confusion around convergence is causing business leaders to launch ill-judged initiatives and miss crucial opportunities

A lack of understanding around the pervasive spread and convergence of IT, communications and other digital technologies is causing business leaders to launch ill-judged initiatives and miss crucial opportunities. This is according to chief research officer for Ovum IT, Tim Jennings, who in his keynote at Ovum’s Industry Congress (OIC) urged enterprises to change their mind-set and adopt a more flexible approach to business technology innovation, to adapt to the profound change occurring...

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The ever-increasing need to stay connected, not just to each other but also to our data and...
CloudSigma has announced the launch of CloudSigma 2.0, a next-generation public cloud that enables...
DataCore Software has introduced new features and enhancements to advance its software-defined...
UK cloud service provider cites data recovery speeds, cost-savings and scalability as crucial...
Enterprises can predict issues and manage FlexPod environments with new vRealize Operations Bundle.
HP offers no-cost VSA software with Intel® Xeon® processor E5 v3–based servers and...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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