Fundaments expands IaaS capabilities

Fundaments has expanded its infrastructure as a service (IaaS) capabilities by quickly implementing Zerto disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) software to easily migrate customers into the cloud for seamless IT data center protection. The comprehensive yet simple disaster recovery capabilities allow customers to achieve key business objectives such as maintaining regulatory compliance. An intuitive user interface supports easy point and click workflow features to reliably conduct failover,...

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University of Salford selects Figshare and Arkivum to create an integrated research data management solution

University of Salford has selected an integrated solution from Arkivum and Figshare in order to meet its research data management requirements.

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Nearly half of businesses could go paperless by the end of 2015

Recent results from a survey conducted by document management solutions provider, Margolis have revealed that almost half of businesses either believe they could go paperless by the end of 2015 or already have gone paperless. What the data suggests is that many organizations are now recognising the paperless office as a realistic goal and benchmark for efficiency.

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The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust cuts PACS processing times

The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust partnered with Esteem to migrate their Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) long term storage. Moving their PACS archiving from a shared central location to an in house local infrastructure reduced the Trust’s image processing time from up to 10 minutes down to seconds. When it was announced that the national contract for PACS for the North East was coming to an end earlier this year, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals, like other Trusts, were...

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New certification examination allows IT professionals to showcase their practical experience...
X-IO Technologies has announced a new partnership with the BLOODHOUND Project, which aims to set...
Nexenta has announced the appointment of Tarkan Maner as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. An...
Gridstore says that Intellicom, an industry leader delivering the finest technology solutions...
Avnet’s Altitude Programme to promote VNXe storage and Data Domain back-up devices.
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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