Optimised data logistics

Frees both open source users and enterprises to leverage the best services from public and private clouds.

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Double digit growth for backup appliances

The EMEA purpose-built backup appliance (PBBA) market finished the second quarter with an increased 26.8% year-on-year to reach $239.7 million, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Purpose-Built Backup Appliance Tracker. This is the second period in a row of double-digit growth for the market, and the first half of 2018 ended with a 19% increase compared to the first half of 2017.

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NetApp acquires StackPointCloud

NetApp has acquired StackPointCloud, a leader in multi-cloud Kubernetes as-a-service and a contributor to the Kubernetes project.

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Mainframes deliver digital business

BMC has published the results of its 2018 Mainframe Research Report, revealing increasingly optimistic attitudes towards mainframes. With 93% of executives and 92% of all respondents viewing the mainframe as a strong long-term platform the highest level in five years this year's survey also sheds light on how organisations are becoming more proactive with their mainframe strategy to facilitate the changing dynamics of modern digital business.

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Preserving UK film history

The British Film Institute (BFI), the lead organisation for film in the UK, has commissioned OvationData to deploy two Spectra® T950 Tape Libraries and two Spectra® BlackPearl® Converged Storage Systems for long-term digital preservation of the UK's film history, as part of its Unlocking Film Heritage digitisation project. The solution will enable the BFI to protect and preserve its valuable digital assets for decades to come, and make its archives easily accessible to filmmakers,...

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Organisations still struggle with data loss

Cloud adoption and rndisaster recovery testing is growing, yet 30 percent of organisations rnsay they still experience data loss - proving there is still work to be rndone.

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Acquisition delivers data integration, business analytics expertise, and foundational technologies...
On average, only 48% of digital initiatives meet or exceed business outcome targets, according to...
Empowering secure and compliant storage, CTERA's latest innovation establishes an impervious...
Management resources plague IT while peak performance remains elusive in virtual environments.
Nebulon, has introduced smartInfrastructureTM, a server-embedded, infrastructure software delivered...
Excelero NVMesh feeds unlimited streams of data to GPU-based systems with local performance for AI...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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