Scottish Government ensures data security and reliability

Rubrik’s Cloud Data Management Platform enables 60% time management savings and 33% hard cost savings.

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Data and continued tech investment critical to stay in business

Have we reached the technological tipping point? New research reveals majority of UK companies could be out of business within five years without tech investment.

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StorageCraft launches Partner Success Program

StorageCraft has launched the StorageCraft Global Partner Success Program. The program has been completely refreshed to make it easy and highly profitable for channel partners to build and expand their presence in the business continuity category using the StorageCraft suite of products.

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Virtual Instruments launches Technology Alliance Programme

Virtual Instruments' Technology Alliance Programme extends Virtual Instruments' collaborative global ecosystem for enterprise-grade hybrid infrastructure management solutions and ensures the testing and validation of product integrations with Virtual Instruments' award-winning performance management products.

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Report uncovers backup gaps

Lack of robust testing and reliance on replication lead to high risk of data loss.

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Zerto introduces advanced analytics and data protection capabilities

The Zerto IT Resilience Platform leverages Microsoft Azure Data Box Edge, to deliver a fast, scalable hybrid cloud solution for its on-premises backup capabilities.

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The first module of the exascale supercomputer JUPITER, named JEDI, is ranked first place in the...
Scientific research and discovery across the North of England has received a welcome boost with the...
The worldwide server market continued to grow through 2018 as worldwide server revenue increased...
Empowering secure and compliant storage, CTERA's latest innovation establishes an impervious...
WSO2 Identity Server 7.0 expands developer productivity with a new authentication API, visual...
2023 was a strong year for LTO tape technology with a record 152.9 Exabytes* (EB) of new LTO...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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