Hitachi Data Systems opens European Distribution Centre in The Netherlands

Hitachi Data Systems Corporation has announced the opening of its new European Distribution Centre (EDC) in Zaltbommel, The Netherlands. The new building was unveiled today by Jack Domme, CEO, Hitachi Data Systems, and Dutch government officials. It will distribute hundreds of innovative Hitachi solutions across Europe each day, including flagship products such as Hitachi Unified Storage VM, Hitachi Content Platform, and Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform.

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Infortrend und Emulex präsentieren Lösung für 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Umgebungen - Infortrends 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Systeme optimiert für den Einsatz mit Emulex 16G FC-HBAs

Infortrend und Emulex geben bekannt, dass die 16G Fibre-Channel (FC) "RAID-Storage"-Produkte von Infortrend und die LightPulse® 16G FC-Host-Bus-Adapter (HBA) von Emulex vollständig kompatibel zueinander sind. Anwender können so die Vorteile der Bandbreite und Geschwindigkeit von 16G Fibre-Channel Infrastrukturen in vollem Umfang ausnutzen

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Yamaha Motor France setzt auf Deduplizierungs-Expertise von Quantum - DXi4601 Deduplizierungsappliance sorgt für mehr Datensicherheit und Flexibilität in französischer Vertriebsniederlassung

Yamaha Motor France setzt auf die Datendeduplizierungs-Technologie von Quantum, um die Speicherdauer seiner Backups zu verlängern und die Flexibilität zu erhöhen. Die Quantum-Technologie wird in Partnerschaft mit APX Intégration angeboten, dem französischen Spezialisten für Infrastrukturintegration im IT-Bereich

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HP und Intel eröffnen Zentrum für Hochleistungsrechner in Grenoble

HP und Intel eröffnen in Grenoble ein Center of Excellence für High-Performance Computing (HPC). Im "HP/Intel Center of Excellence for HPC" können Kunden, Entwickler und unabhängige Software-Anbieter Machbarkeitsnachweise (Proof of Concepts), Benchmarks und Charakterisierungen durchführen. Das hilft ihnen, ihre HPC-Arbeitslasten zu optimieren

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Reed Expositions France deploys Violin for an In-Memory infrastructure

Reed Expositions France has purchased additional Violin Memory Arrays to enhance its core IT infrastructure. Following considerable performance improvements in its billing application from its first Violin deployment, Reed added Violin 6000 Series Memory Arrays to consolidate more applications.

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QLogic enhances Advanced Solutions Partner Programme

QLogic has announced the introduction of several partner enablement enhancements to the company’s top tier Advanced Solutions Partner (ASP) programme. The ASP programme equips QLogic® partners with the tools and expertise to successfully address the hottest technology developments in application acceleration for virtualized and clustered enterprise environments. QLogic is enhancing its global channel presence with new ASP certifications throughout North America, Germany and Great...

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Micron’s new QLC-based i300 1TB industrial microSD card is the industry’s highest-capacity card...
Nytro server-side flash cards work in unison with SQL Server 2014; deliver performance to fully...
Nearly three quarters of organisations have increased spending on remote/branch office (ROBO) sites...
CEA, the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission has selected Data Direct...
Fujitsu announces that its entry-level ETERNUS DX200 S3 flexible modular disk storage systems are...
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Hybrid Cloud Data Infrastructure That Enables New Use Cases

Learn how Pure Storage Cloud Block Store and Purity CloudSnap enable a hybrid data infrastructure to help enterprises unlock new hybrid cloud use cases for secondary storage, cloud backup and disaster recovery, and data and application mobility.

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