Datto acquires Backupify

Combined company, technologies will protect data everywhere for nearly two million business customers and 8,000 partners, with excess of 100 petabytes of cloud data worldwide.

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Tintri announces support for Microsoft Hyper-V virtual environments

Organisations can now use Microsoft Hyper-V with Tintri VMstore storage systems for VM-level data management, protection and visibility for mixed hypervisor environments.

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Operational Hadoop and the Lambda Architecture for Streaming Data

With all the talk about the growing volumes of data today, it’s no surprise that more and more analytics technologies are emerging on the big data scene. After all, it’s difficult to consume huge volumes of data via traditional ways. And when you consider that much of the new data types today consists of a series of measurements or event records, viewing small chunks of the data is unenlightening. Contrast this to data in your ERP or CRM systems, in which sales invoices or customer...

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Managed failovers to overtake traditional DR testing by 2018

Databarracks outlines its cloud predictions for the year ahead.

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By Dr. Mark Campbell, chief strategy & technology officer, Unitrends.
Backup Exec provides [up to 100%] faster back-up and recovery performance than before, flexible and...
HealthPath™ University event to be held at BMA House in Tavistock Square, London.
Aging laptop and desktop environments and end of life software challenges drive budget...
Konecta, the Spanish leader in business process outsourcing (BPO) and outsourced contact...
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How Clifton College solved its data backup problems

Clifton College is one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools. Cristie Data provides the Bristol-based private school with a fully managed, scalable and reliable cloud backup solution that protects pupil data and can easily scale to meet future data growth.

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