SaaS-based data protection and governance offerings give Office 365 software customers a simple and reliable way to analyse, discover, and recover business critical data.
Read More37 per cent of businesses reported cyber-attacks in the last year, but IT security spend remains low compared to EU counterparts.
Read MoreM-Files research reveals that 90 per cent of UK workers find accessing documents somewhat challenging while working remotely.
Read MoreInitial results show that would-be attackers can access critical data in just 10 minutes.
Read MoreWhen was the last time you assessed your cybersecurity strategy? Given today’s ever-changing security landscape, it’s probably been too long. In this world of constant cyber threats, businesses can’t afford to be complacent. Yet, despite the near constant stream of data breaches making headlines, far too many organisations insist that their current security model is good enough. Dan Panesar, VP EMEA, []Certes Networks, outlines 10 reasons...
Read MoreLatest Kaspersky Lab study finds data breaches now cost enterprises over ?890,000.
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