Becrypt has been in the disk encryption business for more than 15 years and have carried out extensive work with governments and large enterprises. Today, a lot of what we're doing is working with small businesses, typically organisations that are looking at adding encryption for the first time, driven by regulation such as GDPR, and those that require encryption as part of the privacy enforcing mechanisms. By Bernard Parsons, CEO, Becrypt.
Read MoreOut of all the IT security risks we face, mobile devices are the hardest to defend from cyber attacks, according to a 2018 cybersecurity report. This is not surprising as they have unique vulnerabilities that nefarious parties can exploit. Some examples of malicious tactics include spoofing free Wi-Fi in order to steal data and credentials from off-site employees, creating phony apps for smartphones, and even physically stealing a device as a whole. By Anurag Kahol, CTO at Bitglass.
Read MoreWhilst the concept of Zero Trust (ZT) networks is gaining broad popularity and acclaim, elements of the approach have been quietly adopted and applied within some sensitive government IT environments. By Bernard Parsons, CEO, Becrypt.
Read MoreCorporate Cybersecurity is a huge concern for both customers and business owners alike with the number of attacks keep growing month on month. 2018 has seen a multitude of hacks and breaches coming from a wide array attack vectors. Companies have been left with data losses, stolen customer information and compromised networks. Big business just hasn’t been able to respond to the challenge fast enough, resulting in successful hacks that have resulted in data loss, and malicious cybersecurity...
Read MoreThreat actors are able to keep one step ahead by targeting the weakest points in an organization’s IT infrastructure – the cloud, mobile and IoT.
Read MoreLast year, Russia started a widespread cyber-attack targeting critical infrastructures around the world, including tens of thousands of devices in British homes. So back in April, the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the FBI and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a joint alert, warning that the Russian Government had carried out an attack targeting millions of computer routers, firewalls and other networking equipment used by infrastructure operators, government...
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