Financial services firms more vulnerable to certificate-related outages

Over one-third of global finance CIOs acknowledge organizations experienced an outage in the last six months.

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Why you should care more about your email security?

Email is the number one threat vector for delivery of malware into organizations. Stephen Dane, Managing Director, Cybersecurity, APJC, Cisco, explores the current state of the challenges that security practitioners face, and what CISOs can do to reduce the risk that email threats pose.

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The Insider Threat: Why Employee Engagement is a Critical Element of Cybersecurity

Beth Hood is a former advisor to the government on protective security. She now runs Verosa – a leadership development consultancy specialising in employee engagement.

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Maintel relieves the pain of securing your business against cyber threats with Insight Secure

Knowledge is power: Organisations offered affordable suite of consultancy and discovery services for cyber security and compliance management.

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LogMeIn has published results of a global study executed by IDG that reveals the new reality of...
Companies investing in privacy are seeing benefits in appropriately staffed teams and decreased...
Egress global Insider Data Breach Survey reveals legal sector employees twice as likely to breach...
CybSafe invites cyber security professionals to contribute to new academic research into the impact...
Heathrow Express, the fastest route between Central London and Heathrow, has strengthened its...
According to recent report findings by Bob Semple, Board Intelligence and The Corporate Governance...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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