Blue Coat unveils strategy for securely empowering businesses

Blue Coat Systems, Inc. has introduced its Business Assurance Technology blueprint. The five technology centers that deliver Business Assurance Technology make it possible for businesses and their employees, customers and partners to safely and securely choose the best technologies, applications, devices and services in the world. Blue Coat is also introducing new products that enable enterprises to deploy trusted applications and quickly remediate data breaches.

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Tools zur Geschäftsentwicklung im Bereich Datensicherung in heterogenen virtualisierten Infrastrukturen

VAD TIM bietet seinen Partnern  Unterstützung bei der Konzeption und Realisierung von Projekten in virtualisierten und gemischten Infrastrukturen. Mit einem Paket aus Workshops, Live Demos und einem speziellen Whitepaper - kombiniert mit der passenden Managed Capacitiy Promotion von CA Technologies - werden Fachhändler in diesem Bereich besonders unterstützt

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Quantum StorNext übernimmt tragende Rolle in preisgekrönter Visual-Effects-Schmiede

Selbst Oscar-Preisträger brauchen Unterstützung, um mit dem rasanten Wandel in der Filmwelt und der Umstellung auf digitale Formate Schritt halten zu können: Das erfolgreiche Postproduction-Studio Framestore setzt auf das Quantum StorNext File System und Quantum StorNext Storage Manager, um seinen digitalen Workflow zu optimieren und das Datenmanagement zu automatisieren. So konnte das Unternehmen Einsparungen von 30 bis 60 Prozent realisieren.

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Corero appoints worldwide sales leader

Corero Network Security is pleased to announce the appointment of David Ahee as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales. This appointment follows other recent additions to the leadership team, including that of IT industry executive and Internet technology entrepreneur Ashley Stephenson earlier this year to the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

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Tufin Primes updates Channel Program

Tufin Technologies has announced enhancements to its Channel Program. Partners that recognize the opportunity presented by Tufin’s ability to automate business-critical network security processes will be strongly rewarded for supporting its momentum as Tufin solutions become more deeply woven into the fabric of IT Operations.

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Organisations suffering seven attacks a year, costing $942,000 per attack.
Only 38% of CISOs across EMEA believe their cyber resilience state is mature, according to new...
Managed Threat Detection & Response provider, e2e-assure, has partnered with Searchlight Cyber, the...
Web attacks are significantly more likely to target APIs in EMEA than in any other region,...
SOTI MobiControl and SOTI XSight allow Trek Bicycle Corporation to support and troubleshoot devices...
Study from nine-months of penetration tests by Rapid7 analyses the most effective methods hackers...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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