Data security storm brewing

According to SailPoint’s Annual Market Pulse Survey, cloud applications and mobile devices are creating an unparalleled level of risk for enterprises in the UK. Alarmingly, the survey reveals that while enterprises are embracing – and in some instances mandating – these new technologies, they do not have IT controls in place to properly manage them, putting themselves at an increased risk of a security breach. In fact, in the last year, 52% of the respondents have experienced...

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Drei von vier Firmen halten Technologieinvestitionen zur Erreichung ihrer Geschäftsziele für strategisch wichtig

Die EMC Corporation hat die Ergebnisse einer weltweiten Umfrage vorgestellt, die das Unternehmen unter 10.700 Teilnehmern der lokalen EMC Foren durchgeführt hat. IT-Entscheider aus 50 Ländern wurden nach ihrer Meinung zu den Herausforderungen und Chancen gefragt, die Big Data und IT-Transformation für ihre Unternehmen mit sich bringen. Zu den Befragten gehörten neben Managern, IT-Verantwortlichen und -Architekten auch Data Scientists sowie Speicher- und...

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Imperva discovers emerging attack vector

Imperva, Inc. has released its latest Hacker Intelligence Initiative report, “Assessing the Threat Landscape of DBaaS.” Through an in-depth analysis of malware that used a shared hosting database for its Command and Control and drop server, Imperva discovered a new malware platform for cybercriminals: Database as a Service (DBaaS). The report concludes that by bringing data one step closer to hackers, DBaaS makes it possible for hackers to compromise an organization’s database...

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Empowering customers to tackle BYOD, Big Data and security concerns

Dell Software has announced technology innovations that address a host of pressing IT challenges. New solutions and technology integrations within Dell’s mobility/BYOD offerings provide customers the tools to increase workforce productivity, while also ensuring secure control over corporate assets. Continued integration of Dell’s network security and identity and access management technologies further enhances security for users, regardless of location or access need, while...

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Despite the uptick in conversations about the importance of a secure password, half of the...
MobileIron has published the results of a new consumer sentiment study, which revealed QR codes are...
Employees and IT professionals in German organisations are more confident about their ability to...
With 60% of organizations taking more than four days to resolve cybersecurity issues, Unit 42's...
Streamlined security for IoT devices and networks helps accelerate manufacturing digital...
Lack of personally identifiable data visibility is leaving British businesses at risk.
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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