LogRhythms neue Identity Interference Engine verknüpft Benutzer-IDs mit Security-Ereignissen

LogRhythm 6.2 hilft dabei, auf Cyber-bedrohungen noch schneller und effizienter zu reagieren. Die neue und leistungsstärkere Version der führenden Security-Intelligence-Plattform bietet zudem eine für Mobilgeräte und Web-Browser optimierte Benutzeroberfläche, die alle wichtigen Informationen kompakt präsentiert

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Unzufriedene Kunden durch ineffizientes Papiermanagement

Einer Iron Mountain-Studie zufolge verlieren Unternehmen ihre Kunden, weil sie ihr Papier nicht in den Griff bekommen

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Software takes centre stage

New user-vendor forum set to define and promote OpenFlow-based, merchant-optical networking solutions, offering unprecedented orchestration of packet and optical technologies for next-generation data centers and cloud service providers.

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Deeper privileged user activity and change monitoring speeds threat identification to avoid data...
Survey results released by Enterprise Management Associates and Pulse Secure reports that 60% of...
Data studied by Atlas VPN reveals that blackmail and ransomware attacks spiked by 140% in 2019 in...
Kaspersky Lab’s latest report shows business travellers are more likely to be mugged of valuable...
Contract extension sees Fujitsu partner with the food wholesaler to modernise and streamline its IT...
Two out of five employees that use mobile devices for work engage in risky activities.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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