Security in the spotlight

With data breaches and security vulnerabilities increasing year after year.  Matt Middleton-Leal, regional director UK & I at CyberArk, offers his predictions for 2016.

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Nixu and Nokia Networks collaborate

Nixu Corporation and Nokia Networks have entered an agreement to collaborate on developing and delivering cybersecurity services for Nokia's clients worldwide. For cybersecurity company Nixu widening international market reach is a strategic way of reaching growth targets.

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Ovum declares 2016 spend on security to exceed US$37bn

Each year organizations increase spending on cyber security protection to keep their businesses, their data and their users’ safe, according to global analyst firm Ovum. It is a commitment that continues to be threatened by security attacks ranging from opportunistic hackers using pre-built tools through to targeted, well-resourced, and on occasion, state-sponsored cyber activity.

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Umfangreiche Sicherheitsfeatures und komfortable Administration ergänzen die IT-Infrastruktur...
Diameter vulnerabilities could lead to sudden failure of ATMs, payment terminals, utility meters,...
Top three vectors used to exfiltrate data are database leaks, cloud applications and removable USB...
The increasing demand for the provision of IT and Telecoms as a managed service is revolutionising...
Encryption-Based threats grow by 260% in 2020.
Manufacturing, finance and healthcare industries hit hard as attackers take advantage of global...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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