Untrained staff are the greatest security risk

The majority of executives (87%) around the world cite untrained staff as the greatest cyber risk to their business according to a new report from “The Cybersecurity Imperative” – a global thought leadership program produced by independent researcher, ESI ThoughtLab in conjunction with Willis Towers Watson and other organizations specialized in cybersecurity and risk management. Compounding this finding is the fact that staff training is ranked among the categories to have made the least...

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Staggering 133 per cent increase in stolen, lost or compromised records

Gemalto has released the latest findings of the Breach Level Index, a global database of public data breaches, revealing 945 data breaches led to 4.5 billion data records being compromised worldwide in the first half of 2018. Compared to the same period in 2017, the number of lost, stolen or compromised records increased by a staggering 133 per cent, though the total number of breaches slightly decreased over the same period, signaling an increase in the severity of each incident.

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Compliance is the largest driver of data management initiatives

Report reveals over a third of businesses will increase investment in data governance.

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Hackers in the driving seat?

Radware has released findings from its second annual web application security report, Radware 2018 State of Web Application Security. The report shares an in-depth view of the challenges organisations face in protecting web applications and how recent security breaches have affected them in the past year. In fact, it revealed that most organisations (67%) believe hackers can still penetrate their network.

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Lockpath and BitSight partner

Lockpath, a leading provider of integrated risk management solutions has integrated its Keylight Platform with the BitSight Security Rating Platform. Through this partnership and product integration, organizations now have the ability to better address the growing number of cyber security risks posed by third- and fourth-parties.

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Killchain and attack automation give attackers the advantage

Alert Logic has released its latest cybersecurity analysis, "Critical Watch Report: The State of Threat Detection 2018," which shows cyber attackers are gaining vastly greater scale through new techniques such as killchain compression and attack automation, expanding the range of organisations under constant attack regardless of industry or size.

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Imperva Sonar platform enables organizations to manage complex and automated cyberattack risks.
Fortinet has launched FortiSandbox 2.0, delivering enhanced features to their top-rated...
$400mn agreement sees HCL take prime responsibility for running infrastructure and application...
In the ever changing and increasingly complex landscape of cyber security, Sophos Labs experts...
IT security testing consultants, 7 Elements, has announced the expansion of its UK wide team with...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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