DataCore baut Software-defined Storage-Plattform SANsymphony-V weiter aus

DataCore, führender Anbieter von Storage Hypervisor- und Speichervirtualisierungssoftware, erweitert das Leistungsspektrum von SANsymphony™-V R9. Die Plattform für Software-definierten Storage in der Version 9.0.3 richtet sich damit insbesondere Speichermanagementaufgaben in mittleren und großen Unternehmen.

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Dells Channel-Geschäft in der Schweiz auf Expansionskurs

Dell konnte seinen Partnervertrieb in der Schweiz im vergangenen Jahr deutlich ausbauen. Für 2013 plant das Unternehmen eine weitere Expansion seines Channel-Geschäfts vor allem im Mittelstand

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F5 stellt schnelle Service Provider Firewall mit bahnbrechenden Sicherheits-Features vor

Die zentralisierte F5®Firewall-Management-Lösung schützt 3G- und 4G/LTE-Netzwerke, ist hochskalierbar und eignet sich besonders für SGi und Gi Interfaces von Service Providern  

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Zuse Institute Berlin uses DataDirect

Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), a world-class research institute for applied mathematics and computer science, will use DataDirect Networks (DDN) in partnership with Cray Inc. as the foundation for its Big Data analytics and scientific research infrastructure for the HLRN supercomputer.

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 STFC works with NVIDIA to increase UK computer performance by 1,000 times

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) has signed an agreement with NVIDIA, the world leader in visual and high-performance computing, to develop GPU-based supercomputers that aim to be a thousand times more powerful than any in the UK today. These powerful computers will provide a step-change for researchers and industry in areas such as climate modelling, stress analysis, materials modelling, molecular modelling, and numerical weather simulation.

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Virtual Instrument has completed its acquisition of SaaS-based cloud cost, optimisation and...
Annual data storage report helps industry anticipate trends, tiers and technologies of the future.
Capgemini to expand data and insights capabilities to meet growing market demands.
Virginia Bioinformatics Institute (VBI), a world-class research institute dedicated to the study of...
Dell XC Series of Web-scale Converged Appliances expands to offer customers a broader range of...
Nemeton TV has deployed a Quantum storage solution consisting of Quantum StorNext® scale-out file...
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PowerEdge Customer Profile: Automating ITaaS for a Banking Leader

This customer profile shows how Dell EMC PowerEdge servers help Societe Generale automate IT as a Service to drive innovation and decrease deployment times for internal clients.

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