ABB Electrification’s Startup Challenge in collaboration with Microsoft and SynerLeap is scouting for startups. Applications are now being accepted with three winners set to each receive $30,000 for project development.
Read MoreThe move would see businesses save £7.7 billion in IT procurement costs.
Read MoreThe pandemic has boosted productivity but left half more fed up with work than ever before.
Read MoreTough new EU rules on using AI in high risk situations will require organisations to meet unprecedented standards of ethics and transparency, the IT industry’s professional body has warned.
Read MoreSoftware development productivity is increasingly impacted by testing demands and siloed processes, according to new data from Applause. These issues negatively affect the speed at which brands can release new features to their end users; they also hit brands’ bottom lines – as bugs become more expensive and require added effort to fix when found later on in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).
Read MoreMore alignment with employees is needed but nearly half of businesses plan tech investments to further improve the workplace experience.
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