Für das Management seiner IT-Infrastruktur hat der ADAC Nordbayern in Nürnberg Dell-KACE-Systemverwaltungs-Appliances eingeführt. Damit konnte der regionale Automobilclub die Effektivität seiner IT deutlich erhöhen und die Produktivität seiner Belegschaft weiter steigern
Read MoreMetaways hat ein neues Core-Release von Arcavias vorgestellt. Das Open-Source-E-Commerce-Framework bietet neben zahlreichen Neuerungen insbesondere eine asymmetrische Hochsicherheitsverschlüsselung für zahlungsbezogene Daten.
Read MoreTickets.com is successfully using ServiceNow software-as-a-service as a global, automated platform that supports rapid business growth and helps ensure quality and customer satisfaction. While Tickets.com utilises the “out-of-box” ServiceNow application framework to support IT functions, the company also develops custom applications on the ServiceNow platform to meet business needs and opportunities beyond IT, especially to quickly and reliably prepare for events.
Read MoreAtkins, the UK’s largest engineering consultancy, is making it easier for public sector clients to procure its leading ICT solutions by adding three new cloud based services on G-Cloud, an online catalogue of information and communications services for the UK public sector.
Read MoreWith the sharp increase in start-ups, and the shift to cloud, trust in CSPs never been more important.
Read MoreSupporting the operational certainty and scalability required to maximise future growth.
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