New product releases provide enterprises more value from Jenkins

CloudBees, the Enterprise Jenkins Company and continuous delivery leader, has announced major new versions of CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise and CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center, extending the ability of Jenkins to meet the continuous delivery needs of enterprises. As businesses extend their use of Jenkins for continuous delivery, the new product features enable them to scale Jenkins for large and complex software delivery operations and manage process workflows of any complexity.

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iland takes burden off companies scrambling to assemble the right combination of cloud services

Single, intuitive Enterprise Cloud Services portal integrates a proven set of solutions to protect, monitor and control cloud footprints.

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New research from Capgemini indicates a significant step change in enterprise cloud adoption...
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Survey of UK & Ireland financial services sector reveals companies are set to spend as...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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