Connected identity at the centre of everything

ForgeRock Inc. is updating its ForgeRock® Identity Platform, the first massively scalable, 100-percent commercial, open-source solution for Identity and Access Management (IAM), with new releases of OpenAM 12.0, OpenIDM 3.1 and OpenIG 3.1.

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Apple and IBM deliver first wave of IBM MobileFirst for iOS Apps

Apple and IBM deliver the first wave of IBM MobileFirst for iOS solutions in a new class of made-for-business apps and supporting cloud services that bring IBM’s big data and analytics capabilities to iPhone and iPad users in the enterprise. IBM MobileFirst for iOS solutions are now available to enterprise customers in banking, retail, insurance, financial services, telecommunications and for governments and airlines, thanks to an unprecedented collaboration between Apple and IBM. IBM...

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UK IT teams are taking a staged approach with migration

Workforce management, data security and compliance, budget and cost considerations are top challenges for migrating IT workloads.

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Rackspace, the managed cloud company, has thrown its weight behind the first ever Science to Data...
Nearly 10% of UK companies don’t know how many security breaches they have suffered in the...
FireMon has published a report that reinforces the firewall’s role as a foundational element...
Barracuda has announced availability of the first next-generation firewall available in Microsoft...
More than 3000 customers adopt Fortinet’s Advanced Threat Protection sandboxing solutions,...
Scientists engaged in collaborative initiatives can now securely access Transformative Cloud-based...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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