Seagate ClusterStor with IBM Spectrum Scale - Don Grabski

Don Grabski, Director of Product Management at Seagate Systems Group gives an overview how customers can benefit from Seagate's implementation of IBM Spectrum Scale on the ClusterStor platform. Learn more ClusterStor G200

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NexentaStor Recomendations for VMware

Introductory video on how to deploy NexentaStor for use with VMware.

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Making Data Highly Available on Flash and DRAM

George Teixeira, CEO & President and Nick Connolly, Chief Scientist at DataCore Software discuss how DataCore's Software-defined Storage solution takes advantage of flash and DRAM technologies to provide High Availability and the right performance for your applications.

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New 70 MW+ facility to be built for HPC and AI workloads and run entirely on renewable energy.
The Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) of Greece and Serverfarm, a global data center developer and operator, have signed a Heads of Agreement regarding the formation of Gemini, a Joint Venture...

Expert Opinions

By Martin Hosken, Field CTO, Cloud Providers, Broadcom.
By Jake Madders, Co-founder and Director at Hyve Managed Hosting.
By John Kreyling, Managing Director, Centiel UK.
By Liz Centoni, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Cisco.