Edgegap, CIN and Colt bring edge game server to London

The installation in the City of London’s first game server deployment was Hiber’s web-based metaverse platform HiberWorld.

Edgegap, the gaming industry server orchestration platform, has announced a pivotal partnership with Colt Technology Services and CIN, the digital infrastructure companies. The partnership has delivered the world’s first game server running on true edge computing, integrating Edgegap’s technology with Colt and CIN’s physical infrastructure network - with London chosen as the first location. 

Colt’s edge computing platform and network on demand connectivity deployed through CIN’s Street Arc build the underlaying digital infrastructure supporting the gaming application. The integration dramatically improves multiplayer gaming experiences for Londoners, eliminating lag and latency issues. 

“Our work with CIN and Colt emphasises our commitment to responding to, and meeting the shifting demands of modern multiplayer games. Considering the frequent outages and performance glitches from the industry’s major players, it is obvious that the era of relying solely on expensive centralised infrastructure is coming to an end. And, with performance expectations of gamers continuing to rise, we firmly believe in the importance of moving to a more hybrid, distributed approach if those expectations are to be met. We’re truly delighted to be working with Colt and CIN and using our collective strengths to improve the multiplayer gaming experience,” said Mathieu Duperre, CEO and Founder of Edgegap. 

“The traditional public cloud, often situated far from both urban and rural populations, is prone to introducing lag between players because of the distances. This hampers performance and leads to a lesser multiplayer experience for gamers. Working with Edgegap means we can continue to provide the best level of service for our customers and empower game developers and publishers to give their players the best experience possible,” said Mirko Voltolini, Vice President Innovation at Colt Technology Services. 

Edgegap’s on-demand, fully managed orchestration platform provides unparalleled latency performance, instant deployment and automated scalability for multiplayer games, tailored to meet the needs of studios and publishers. The automation and rapid-scaling orchestration enables efficient traffic management across Edgegap’s expansive distributed cloud network, spanning more than 550 locations worldwide. 

By leveraging its patented technology, Edgegap ensures near-zero latency, by deploying game servers, or "instances," in locations closest to players. Furthermore, it guarantees unrivalled reliability with an industry-leading 99.99% availability - achievable only through edge cloud infrastructure.

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