Tieto to provide J?rf?lla municipality with future-proof IT services

Tieto has signed an extensive outsourcing agreement with the municipality of J?rf?lla in the Stockholm region. The purpose is to provide future-proof application and IT services that will ensure a smooth digital transition and make everyday life for citizens easier. The contract is initially for four years, including two extension options for a total period of up to eight years, with a value of approximately EUR14 million.

- This is an important step for J?rf?lla municipality. Our IT services need to be of world-class quality, especially when it comes to our public schools, and they also need to drive our digitalization going forward, says Lennart Attern?s, CIO at J?rf?lla municipality.
Under the agreement, Tieto will operate J?rf?lla’s applications and IT systems and provide the municipality’s employees with workspace services. The services will particularly benefit J?rf?lla in in the municipality?s efforts to develop and digitalize schools, as well as its healthcare and welfare sector.
- We’re convinced that we, with the help of Tieto’s vast experience of digitalization within the public sector, can take the next step forward in our development and ultimately improve our services to the citizens of J?rf?lla, says Lennart Attern?s.
- Tieto is stepping up the momentum in our efforts to digitalize the public sector in Sweden. The focus on municipalities is high on the agenda and we?re very pleased with the confidence that J?rf?lla municipality has shown us in this transition. Our ambition is to provide J?rf?lla with the right tools to make life for its citizens, staff and entrepreneurs easier, says Mats Brandt, Vice President of Public sector, Tieto Sweden.
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