Greater Toronto Airports Authority looks to the future

The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) and Wipro havr revealed that GTAA has entered into a  seven-year strategic IT and Business transformation partnership with Wipro.  GTAA operates Toronto Pearson International Airport, the largest airport in Canada and the second largest in North America in terms of international traffic.

Wipro provides technology services to some of the world’s largest airports including some of those that topped the 2015 Airport Service Quality (ASQ) rankings. With several offices across Canada, Wipro is recognized for its innovative approach to delivering advanced IT solutions and enhanced business value. The company was selected as the finalist vendor following a competitive procurement process.

This partnership will transform airport operations, run an integrated service delivery using airport best practices, create opportunities for joint innovation by adopting emerging technologies, and will position Toronto Pearson to evolve into the world’s leading digital airport.

“As Toronto Pearson continues to grow as a global hub airport, we remain committed to enhancing our passenger experience through technological advancements. Achieving our vision of becoming the best airport in the world will require exceptional technology solutions, resources and services,” said Martin Boyer, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, GTAA. “Wipro’s aviation-centric experience will provide Toronto Pearson with unique capabilities that improve the airport user experience through scalable, flexible and resilient digital IT systems, while consolidating our IT footprint.”

Anand Padmanabhan, President, Energy, Natural Resources, Utilities & Construction Strategic Business Unit, Wipro Limited said, “This is a landmark partnership for Wipro and GTAA. Our expertise brings smart airport concepts and digital airport technologies with proprietary airport-specific tools and platforms that will deliver best in class end-to-end integrated services. We are confident that our airport domain expertise combined with our skilled talent pool will provide the GTAA with the reliable and innovative IT solutions that it needs as one of North America’s fastest growing airports”.

Xavier Diniz, Country Head - Canada, Wipro Limited said, “Wipro will leverage its innovation lab to provide access to advanced technologies such as digital, artificial intelligence, cognitive computing, big data and security technologies. This lab will showcase cutting-edge platforms and test new concepts before they go live, and help transform GTAA into a next-gen Digital Airport, delivering the best quality and value to its customers and stakeholders.”

The GTAA and Wipro teams are working collaboratively to ensure a seamless implementation of the new contract in the upcoming months.
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