SevOne expands digital infrastructure monitoring to the Hybrid Cloud

SevOne has introduced four SevOne xStats Adapters for use with Amazon Web Services™ (AWS™), Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), Arista EOS® and AppNeta™ PathView™. 

SevOne xStats technology incorporates any third-party time-stamped data into the SevOne Performance Monitoring Cluster; that data can be automatically correlated with other metric, flow and log data at scale. With the latest xStats Adapters, SevOne further differentiates itself from other approaches in the market by extending datacenter monitoring with visibility into hybrid-cloud environments and with integrated end-user experience data.

"Today's hybrid reality means a company's applications and data are spread across multiple vendors' environments. While operations teams may not control all the platforms they run on, they still need to monitor the performance of these assets to help the organization meet business, compliance and regulatory needs," said Jack Sweeney, CEO at SevOne. "SevOne continues to address these challenges with our newest SevOne xStats Adapters, allowing you to see the performance of your entire digital infrastructure -- no matter where it is -- in a single dashboard."

Capabilities and features in each adapter include:

AWS - In AWS-based deployments, operations teams have access to the operating systems and applications deployed in the cloud, but have limited visibility when it comes to the underlying compute, network and storage infrastructure needed to gather performance statistics. To help its customers monitor their infrastructure from the datacenter to the hybrid cloud, SevOne offers the SevOne xStats Adapter for use with AWS. This adapter is designed to collect the following metrics from AWS-based environments, including:
AWS EBS Volume Details
System Integrity and Failures
Disk Read/Write Operations
Network I/O
CPU Utilization
Credit Balance/Usage and Estimated Charges for Current Billing Cycle

AppNeta PathView - Understanding how well users are experiencing an infrastructure, whether that service is hosted in a private cloud, IaaS, PaaS or SaaS, is a critical component of a performance monitoring strategy. AppNeta PathView actively tests entire network paths, collecting in-depth end-user experience data across enterprise, cloud and service provider infrastructures. To help monitor end-user experience and correlate it with performance metric, flow and log data, SevOne offers the SevOne xStats Adapter for use with AppNeta PathView. This adapter integrates with AppNeta APIs to enable users to create SevOne dashboards with end-user experience data.

IPMI - Monitoring today's modern datacenters requires a rich understanding of data center infrastructure, spanning network, compute, storage and environmental resources, including a detailed knowledge of per CPU power, temperature, voltage and current utilization. The SevOne xStats™ Adapter for use with IPMI supports more than 200 computer systems vendors, including Cisco, Dell, HP, Intel and NEC. This adapter integrates via the open interfaces of IMPI v1.5 and v2.0 to enable users to create SevOne dashboards with critical environmental and operational metrics from across their compute infrastructure.

Arista EOS - As enterprise and service provider teams move toward more and more virtualized network infrastructure to meet their scalability needs, the methods to gather network performance, CPU, power, temperature and other infrastructure performance data is evolving beyond polling SNMP-based MIBs. To help monitor an Arista EOS-based infrastructure and correlate it with performance metric, flow and log data, SevOne offers the SevOne xStats Adapter for use with Arista EOS. This adapter integrates with the Arista eAPI to enable users to visualize the performance of their Arista EOS-based infrastructure from a single SevOne dashboard.

Along with the latest SevOne xStats Adapters, SevOne has delivered dozens of xStats adapters for customers. SevOne xStats Adapters enable customers to include metrics from any third-party source that provide management functions for components throughout the digital infrastructure, such as network probes, proprietary business applications and element management systems from network equipment vendors.

SevOne offers a number of ways to incorporate third-party data, processing that information with the same analytics applied to out-of-the-box data sources. For custom data sources, just like standard sources, SevOne will automatically establish baselines of normal performance, generate alerts when actual performance deviates from those baselines and feed the data into reporting analytics.

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