spotlight june 15 (Magazine article)

Andrew Liddle, Carling Technologies.

  • 9 years ago Posted in

Q I’m proud to work in the data centre/IT

industry because…?

A In reality IT/Datacom is only one
of many diverse insdustries that
Carling Technology service.
But 1 reason = growth

Q Twitter accounts worth following?

A Couldn’t find any, so I gave up.

Q You get to witness one event from
history – which one and why?

A It has to be the 1966 World Cup Final!

Q Your favourite websites?


Q The weekend is for winding down or
getting out and about?

A Definitely for getting out and about
come rain or shine!

Q Hard copy book or e-reader?

A Hard copy at home; ereader when

Q The TV show just waiting to be made
(other than an IT industry reality one)?

A Game of Thrones: Season 6

Q Social media – a waste of time or a
valuable time?

A Waste of time if you’ve just got nothing
better to do; valuable time if there’s a
real purpose in mind.

Q Dead or alive – the person you admire
the most?

A Winston Churchill – Cliched I know, but
I hate to imagine where we’d be
without him!

Q One tech company to watch?

A Bowery, and anything to do with Elon
Musk. Sorry, I know that’s two.

Q The Internet of Things – there must be
a better phrase than this to describe
what’s going on?!

A Yeah, but I can’t tell you what it is.

Q Favourite destination?

A Home or Holiday

Q Fitness or fatness?

A Fitness

Q Favourite mobile device apps?

A WeatherPro

Q The saying or quote that inspires you?

A I think that the most inspirational/
motivational thing I’ve ever read is
“Invictus” by William Ernest Henley

Q If you weren’t an IT exec, what would
you like to be?

A An astronaut