To identify the individuals, interviews were conducted with those registered with job centres in Hounslow and Action. Once successfully through the interview process the chosen individuals (sixteen in total) undertook CNet Training’s Certified Network Cable Installer (CNCI®) program. The CNCI® is the new industry approved certification for the network cabling industry, it’s a ten day program dedicated to providing the knowledge and practical skills needed to confidently and accurately prepare, install, test and certify copper and fibre cabling systems. On successful completion individuals can demonstrate the highest levels of knowledge, skills and expertise in network cable installation and gain official certification.
To conclude the project CNet Training are working with cable installation companies to seek employment for the newly qualified individuals, the aim is to introduce them to a new, rewarding and sustainable career within the industry. It is envisaged that a number of them will work with Mace’s chosen cable installation company NG Bailey on the new Sky campus redevelopment at the Isleworth site; a project that will deliver a building to house four thousand employees, complete with a cinema and shopping facilities.
Andrew Stevens, Managing Director at CNet Training says, “We are delighted to be working with Sky and Mace on this potentially life-changing project for the sixteen newly qualified individuals. The network cabling industry needs new entrants and we are pleased to have the right education program, complete with qualification and official certification to provide the skills and ability to kick-start a new career. CNet Training benefits from working with many network installation companies and we are positive we will find the right employment opportunities to help provide sustainable and rewarding careers.
Andrew adds, “The timing of this project is perfect, and provides yet another benefit to the recently qualified individuals as CNCI® is the new approved certification for the network infrastructure industry and is being specified on many tender documents as the must-have certification. Having the CNCI® on their CV’s is sure to help them enormously as employers will feel confident that they have the skills to undertake copper and fibre cable installation to the highest quality.”
Francis Spraggs, Employment & Skills Manager at Sky comments, “This is a fantastic project to help those in the local community, we are delighted with their progress and help from CNet Training and Mace to date and are confident that we will be able to help each individual embark on a new and sustainable career within the network installation industry.”