Q I’m proud to work in the data centre/IT
A It underpins everything.
Q Twitter accounts worth following?
A Mine, haha. I tend to follow female
leaders twitter accounts for a bit of
inspiration in this male dominated
industry. I’ll keep it local - @divadomrocks
Q You get to witness one event from
history – which one and why?
A Wow, there are so many. Probably the
Berlin wall coming down.
Q Your favourite websites?
A Buzzfeed for a bit of light relief.
Q The weekend end is for winding down
or getting out and about?
A Both. I like to alternate.
Q Hard copy book or e-reader?
A Hard copy.
Q The TV show just waiting to be made
(other than an IT industry reality one)?
A I’d quite like to know what the top
journalists get up to
Q Social media – a waste of time or a
valuable time?
A From a business perspective,
valuable time for specific job roles
within an organisation.From a
consumer perspective, I think it’s great
that you have a tool now to publicly
complain or say service has been great.
Q Dead or alive – the person you admire
the most?
A It has to be someone who changed the
world - Nelson Mandela
Q One tech company to watch?
A Simplestream
Q The Internet of Things – there must be
a better phrase than this to describe
what’s going on?!
A I’m trying to think of one, but when it
accounts for such a vast array of
“devices” you can potentially hook
onto a network (home appliances,
cars, phones, clothing etc.), I can’t
think of any of other word that
describes them all. AYCPCTTI
(Anything You Can Potentially Connect
To The Internet)??!
Q Favourite destination?
A Oahu, Hawaii. Surfs up. If you want
to push the boat out, French Polynesia
is stunning and very “on trend.”
Q Fitness or fatness?
A Fitness. Although it’s pretty easy to
slip to fatness if you travel a lot.
Q Favourite mobile device apps?
A 1) Find my friends – for all you stalkers
out there, this one’s for you. Although
it’s a tad freaky when you tell someone
you are ten minutes away, and they
message you saying no, you’re twenty
minutes away. 2) Find my car – for all
the blondes (like me!) out there.
Q If you weren’t an IT exec, what would
you like to be?
A The Star of Broadway Idina Menzel.
Q The saying or quote that inspires you?
A Elizabeth I. “Men fight wars. Women
win them.”