“There is growing demand to move to cloud archiving—and the major obstacle stopping many organizations is their critical data is trapped in old, on-premise products,” said Darren Lee, general manager of Archive & Governance for Proofpoint. “Our new Proofpoint Migration Accelerator makes it easier for organizations to get data out and into the cloud faster. We provide archiving freedom and data fidelity to ensure corporate archive content meets rigorous eDiscovery and regulatory compliance demands.”
Proofpoint is committed to reducing the time, scope and hassle of migration tasks. According to the 2014 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Information Archiving (I) in which Proofpoint was named a Leader, archiving as a service (aka cloud archiving) has rapidly surpassed on-premises archiving as the preferred deployment model for most organizations. Gartner sees 60 percent to 70 percent of new or replacement email archiving implementations as being cloud-based.”
Migration projects can be disruptive to internal IT staff without an effective migration technology in place. The process of moving data from poor-performing legacy on-premise systems can expose teams to data integrity issues and challenges in mapping messages to specific mailboxes. Multiple manual steps, that are required to transfer historical data to new cloud-based systems, also prolong project timelines.
PMA addresses these challenges by providing pre-built connectors that directly ingest data extracted from systems including Symantec Enterprise Vault, EMC EmailXtender, and HP Autonomy Zantaz. In addition, Proofpoint leverages the expertise of leading data migration and discovery service providers, including DTI Global, Nuix, QUADROtech and Trusted Data Solutions. These providers can now utilize PMA when moving data to Proofpoint Enterprise Archive.
For example, QUADROtech recently utilized PMA in conjunction with its ArchiveShuttleTM migration service and saw a significant reduction in the time required to migrate data from Symantec Enterprise Vault. Complete data fidelity protection was successfully maintained during migration.