Airedale International TurboChill™ and TurboChill™ FreeCool chiller (200-1830kW) with low GWP refrigerant R1234ze shortlisted for more awards

The first British Standards Institution (BSI) approved free-cooling chiller with low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant R1234ze is on a further awards shortlist having recently been selected as a finalist in the National ACR Awards 2015.

  • 10 years ago Posted in

Nominated for ‘Air Conditioning Product of the Year’, Airedale International’s TurboChill™ and TurboChill™ FreeCool (200-1830kW) with R1234ze delivers industry-leading energy efficiency per footprint available from a centrifugal-based free-cooling chiller.

The TurboChill™ FreeCool offers up to twice as much free-cooling as a thermosiphon free-cooling system and, based on a 24/7 London data centre with a typical room temperature of 24°C, can deliver free-cooling for up to 95% of the year and potential energy savings of up to 50% compared with a conventional chiller. Free-cooling saves vast amounts of energy, particularly when room temperatures are high.

In addition, the TurboChill™ FreeCool design incorporates the ability to supply fully concurrent free-cooling, without break of supply, during the transition from mechanical cooling, unlike equivalent thermosiphon designs. In addition to energy savings through reducing the need for mechanical (DX) cooling, concurrent free-cooling also maximises the part-load efficiencies of components such as EC fans, inverter-driven pumps and centrifugal compressors.

The addition of low GWP hydro-fluoro olefin (HFO) based refrigerant R1234ze which has a 100-year GWP lower than 1 (better than CO2 ) makes the TurboChill™ a highly sustainable cooling alternative which automatically receives two BREEAM points in recognition of its low global warming impact.

The TurboChill™ with R1234ze is also a finalist in this year’s HVR Awards and Energy Awards and the 2015 CIBSE Building Performance Awards.

The National ACR Awards results will be announced on 29 January 2015.