Alex Rabbetts, CEO MigSolv said: “In this past recession prudent businesses explored ways to retain a streamlined and cost efficient approach. As a result, outsourcing to managed data centre services has been one of the few areas that have been bringing business benefit through colocation, connectivity and continuity. However, wholesale customers have lost out due to long lead times and a requirement to commit large sums of capital up front.”
The MigSolv Hybrid Data Centre delivers a wholesale data centre with shorter lead times, lower capital cost and a service, normally only offered through colocation.
“The HDC offers customers flexibility, the ability to scale up and down, speed of delivery and lower costs with the levels of service that cannot be offered by pure real estate companies”, continued Rabbetts. “Why should customers needing wholesale space be treated as second class? They should expect the same level of service that their colocation colleagues receive.”
MigSolv operates a leading-edge data centre that is located away from the risks associated with urban environments such as London’s docklands, which is safe, secure and environmentally efficient. The new Hybrid Data Centre will be offered from this facility where customers can choose the type of environment required. This is achievable because the facility, (building two), is already fitted out and ready to move into and simply needs configuration of the flexible infrastructure to meet the customer’s needs.
Rabbetts concluded, “The Hybrid Data Centre, (or HDC), is the wholesale model of the future. Customers do not want to wait months and spend huge amounts of capital to move into wholesale data centre space that is offered by property companies. Customers want flexible solutions that are delivered quickly, cost less, and are supported by the highest levels of service.”