Evolving to a Hybrid IT world – a ‘Call for Papers’ 28 – 29 October 2014 at Congress Frankfurt

POWERING THE CLOUD takes place on 28th and 29th October 2014 at Congress Frankfurt and is the premier pan-European event for IT professionals who are tasked with providing leading edge datacenter and Cloud based solutions for their organisations and customers.

  • 11 years ago Posted in

What makes Powering the Cloud a special event for its visitors are the high level ‘thought leadership’ presentations delivered by industry experts and analysts, the enlightening and provocative sessions on the ‘Hot Topics’ of the day and the ability to network with major vendors and their peers to discuss the latest ideas and thinking on IT and its role in today’s mobile and highly competitive world.

In keeping with its tradition of providing a broad range of views and opinion the organisers are making a ‘Call for Papers’ for independent speakers who feel they can contribute to the high standard of content that delegates expect of such a prestigious event.

There are 4 types of presentations the organisers are looking this year:
£ Keynote presentations on strategic topics
for CIOs and IT Managers
£ Spotlight Session high level presentations
on this year’s 6 themes
£ Hot Topic technical presentations on the
latest thinking in Datacenter, Storage,
Cloud and communications infrastructure
£ Case Studies detailing how end users
have used the latest IT technology
to improve operations, increase
competitiveness and create business

The overall theme for this year is about the evolution to a Hybrid IT world.
Over the last few years organisations have embraced the Cloud to supplement their existing IT systems or to enable them to rapidly deploy new applications and collaborative work practices to change the dynamics of their operations. For many this was a tactical move at a time of tightened budgets and against a backdrop of having to ‘move things forward’ and ‘get things done’.

However, as organisations got more experience of the Cloud, its use and positioning within the overall IT framework became more strategic. So much so that most organisations now have a hybrid Datacenter and Cloud IT infrastructure for delivering applications to their users wherever they are located and on whatever device they have available.

Powering the Cloud 2014 will address this move to a Hybrid IT world and help delegates understand how best to deploy applications, manage a complex Hybrid IT environment and exploit the flexibility this new paradigm of computing offers.

To give some structure to the presentations and debate on this Hybrid IT world we will have 6 themes running through our Spotlight Sessions covering the Datacenter, Data Management and Storage, IT Management, the Cloud, the New Application World, and Managed Services.

If you have strong views and ideas on these 6 themes and think you can contribute to the overall quality of debate around their role in a Hybrid IT world then the organisers of Powering the Cloud would like to hear from you. Please go to www.poweringthecloud.com/call-for-papers and submit your paper.

Sponsors of Powering the Cloud 2014 will be contacted by the Content Director for their involvement in the Keynote, Spotlight Session and Hot Topic sessions.

Submission of papers must be received by 1st May 2014. The organisers will then notify successful speakers by the end of May 2014.
Interested in attending as visitor this year?
IT end user and channel partner can register for free with promo code: P4M14 at