Many financial institutions deal with the data deluge by buying increasing amounts of primary storage. While this approach keeps data close at hand, it is excessively expensive and makes it difficult to find specific data - similar to looking for a needle in a haystack. By Luc Gheysens, vice...
Read MoreThere is no doubt that data management has gone through an evolutionary process, starting with a focus on straight forward backup and recovery in the 1990’s and then moving to integrated protection solutions in the 2000s. However the impact of Big Data and the move to adopt a more mobile way...
Read MoreDemand for x86 servers and high-end systems leads the way, according to IDC
Read MoreTHE DIGITAL revolution has seen IT’s global carbon footprint rise to equal that of the aviation sector. The production, use and disposal of constantly evolving IT infrastructure have implications for environmental, social and economic factors. As a result, organizations are increasingly being...
Read MoreThis might be a mantra that is heard over and over again, but the intricacies of data centre power...
Read MoreLeeds has been the successful host of two previous joint Data Centre Alliance, Datacentre Solutions...
Read MoreContainment solutions can eliminate hot spots and provide energy savings over traditional...
Read MoreData that companies acquire, manage and secure today is much different to what it was even a couple...
Read MoreNeil Barnett, Product Manager for Hosting & Cloud at Daisy Group plc, discusses private cloud...
Read MoreWhy you should take a step back before going forward to virtual and cloud infrastructure. By...
Read MoreThe data centre can be fully virtualized; the future of software defined data centres is coming...
Read MoreOrganisations are increasingly looking towards Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions to...
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