Evergreen storage upgrade

Pure Storage has introduced enhancements to EvergreenTM Storage – the storage procurement and ownership model that has already changed the storage industry forever. Today, Pure added significant enhancements to the Evergreen Storage model, enabling customers to acquire, run and non-disruptively upgrade storage now with even more comprehensive investment protection.

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Healthcare provider chooses high performing VDI solution

Software-defined solution reduces log in times and supports over 350 workstations.

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HDS converges on Cloud

Hitachi Data Systems has launched the Hitachi Unified Compute Platform 2000 (UCP 2000) converged system and UCP HC V240, which is the first member of the new Hitachi Unified Compute Platform HC (UCP HC) line of hyper-converged solutions. Both systems are flexible, agile and scalable for enterprises on their digital transformation journey. Built on proven Hitachi technology, these solutions reduce cost and risk to data availability while alleviating complexity and accelerating time...

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Tegile launches IntelliCare Lifetime Storage

New IntelliCare Lifetime Storage program marks an industry first by delivering a new storage syste.m to enterprises every three or five years

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Business continuity and hyperconvergence for major European chemical plant

DataCore has implemented the DataCore Virtual SAN software as part of a Hyper-Converged Data Centre solution at LERG S.A., a major European chemical plant based in Poland. Through implementation of a software-defined infrastructure, the chemical manufacturer is now benefiting from high availability data protection, enhanced business continuity and improved productivity whilst reducing storage-related expenses by 50% and improving performance by more than 500 per cent.

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Nutanix underpins digital future at Stockport Council

Nutanix is enabling Stockport Council to harness next generation data centre infrastructure and drive its digital service offering to the 286,000 residents it serves across the borough.

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BMC survey highlights mainframe innovation as competitive strength for the modern enterprise.
The industry’s first end-to-end open analytics platform gives customers a view into all their...
Infinidat marked the beginning of Cybersecurity Awareness Month by kicking off a campaign to raise...
Six mtu Kinetic PowerPacks installed for uninterrupted power supply of supercomputer facility of...
Datrium is extending its Datrium DRaaS with VMware Cloud on AWS solution to support Edge...
According to a recent study from market research firm Global Market Insights, Growing demand for...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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