Faster restores with LiveBoot 2.0

Barracuda enhances data protection capabilities with the new Barracuda Backup LiveBoot 2.0, which expands Cloud LiveBoot to include the ability to rapidly spin up Microsoft Hyper-V environments in the Barracuda Cloud, and reduces boot times to minimize downtime in VMware vSphere and Hyper-V environments.

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iPortalis partners with Acronis

iPortalis, a Cloud Services company specialising in ICT brokerage, aggregation and portfolio management, has formed a strategic partnership with Acronis, a global leader in hybrid cloud data protection and storage, to deliver fully integrated and turn-key backup and disaster recovery solutions to Enterprises and Hosted Service Providers (HSPs).

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Lenovo DX8200D designed to simplify SDS adoption

Appliance leverages storage virtualization to drive higher agility and simplicity with existing SAN arrays.

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Leosphere speeds up backups and increases system availability

World leader in scientific instrumentation enhances productivity thanks to incremental backups, deduplication and a fully-automated integrated storage solution .

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Lack of storage capacity causes backup concerns

An independent survey commissioned by Cohesity, the pioneer of hyperconverged secondary storage, has revealed that 73 percent of IT decision-makers in the UK and Germany regard the regular need for additional storage capacity as their greatest challenge when it comes to managing their backups.

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New cloud-optimised library brings the highest versatility, ease of use and cost-effectiveness to...
Europe’s globally-competitive quantum technology ecosystem, comprised of SMEs, corporations,...
90% of sustainability program directors say companies cannot reach sustainability goals without...
Firm is partnering with Google to deliver data preservation project for CERN.
Third generation accelerated protocol converter features, performance and low-latency considered...
Tintri by DDNhas revealed that Mark Gritter, the visionary original co-founder and architect of...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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