IPsoft: Standardisierung ist keine Voraussetzung für die Automatisierung des IT-Betriebs

Die Standardisierung der Infrastruktur gehört zu den anspruchsvollsten Aufgaben in der IT. Sie ist wichtig, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich, sagt IPsoft. Expertensystem-basierte Automatisierungslösungen sind heute ohne Weiteres in der Lage, auch komplexe, heterogene IT-Infrastrukturen zu steuern

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FalconStor präsentiert Private Cloud-Anwendung auf der SNW Europe

Jens Langsdorf von der Stadt Frankfurt beschreibt in seinem Vortrag die Migration in eine Private Cloud mithilfe FalconStor NSS und der HP CloudSystem Matrix

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Hands-on-Übungen rund um Architektur und Infrastruktur

Fast Lane erweitert NetApp-Trainingsangebot um „FlexPod Implementation“

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Teradata pioneers new Teradata Aster SNAP Framework

Teradata has introduced the Teradata® Aster® Discovery Platform. This forms part of a new generation of solutions empowering chief information officers to execute a cohesive big data strategy creating competitive advantage.

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Phoenix hosts “Recovery Re-invented” road show for Business Continuity

Phoenix is hosting several road show events to discuss the reinvention of recovery plans, given the increased need for business continuity in organisations. Presentations will be focussed on how to best protect corporate data and delivering business continuity planning as a managed service.

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Companies in these regions able to provision fully managed, enterprise-scale file system in the...
New Software-as-a-Service offering allows users to manage all of their sites from anywhere.
Asigra has introduced SaaSBACKUPSM a powerful new SaaS-based backup platform designed to provide...
Providing simplified management, ease of use and high performance with hyperconverged...
Tintri is celebrating its 10th anniversary of product availability with the “neXt” evolution of...
Cohesity has deepened its relationship with Microsoft to help organisations more quickly respond to...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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