redIT expands Coriant edge-to-core solution

redIT has deployed the Coriant® 7100 Nano™ Packet Optical Transport Platform to enhance the resiliency and flexibility of KIO Networks' mission-critical service infrastructure. The 7100 Nano deployment builds upon a comprehensive Coriant networking solution which includes multiservice access and IP/MPLS edge router technologies. With industry-leading ROADM capabilities and support for scalable bandwidth services in a compact system design, the 7100 Nano solution enables redIT to...

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Leveraging the Internet of Things to create new opportunities for Real Time Communications

By Federico Descalzo, Italtel Vice President and Chief Marketing Technology Officer.

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Digita' disruption - redefining the business world

The effect of digital disruption on business has the potential to overturn incumbents and reshape markets faster than perhaps any force in history, according to a report released today by the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation (DBT Center), an initiative between Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) and the International Institute of Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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Acquires Powering the Cloud, 28-29 October 2014, Messe Frankfurt, Germany.
Tech Data has announced the appointment of Gary Withington as Corporate and Field Sales Director as...
Dell EMC XC Xpress for VDI, an optimized Nutanix-powered hyper-converged appliance designed for...
Managing Cloud, restricted budgets, data explosion top list.
New networking infrastructure set to provide potential savings of £60,000.
Cherry Health, the largest federally qualified health center (FQHC) in Michigan, has optimised...
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Drillinginfo Streamlines Data Management with IBM Storage

Drillinginfo consolidates and increases efficiency of their storage platform utilizing IBM Spectrum Virtualize and Scale.

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