Embracing cloud computing from AppsCare develops lessons for life at Russell House School

As a leading prep school in the Sevenoaks area with a reputation for academic excellence, Russell House in Otford aims to provide the best learning environment for each and every pupil. It has recently extended its innovative IT programme; deploying Google Apps for Education to provide easy-to-use online collaboration tools for pupils which can be accessed at school, at home… in fact anywhere in the world.

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HP-Studie: IT-Systemausfälle kosten deutsche Mittelständler im Durchschnitt fast 400.000 Euro pro Jahr

- Durchschnittlich vier je vierstündige Ausfälle geschäftskritischer Systeme pro Unternehmen und Jahr - 40 Prozent der Betriebe wissen nicht, was ein Ausfall sie kostet 

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Scalr has announced the release of Scalr Cost Analytics. Scalr Cost Analytics will enable a broad...
SunGard Availability Services has revealed its top five predictions for 2014 as businesses look to...
New Lenovo system to provide 26.7 petaflops of computing power to Germany’s...
With the Docker certification, NetBackup rounds up its extensive coverage of modern new workloads...
Citrix has unveiled advancements toward its vision of providing ways for people to work better from...
SNIA has announced its support and participation in the development of the ISO/IEC 27040:2015, the...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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