Gemeinschaftsprodukt Fujitsu DataCore SVA ab sofort verfügbar

DataCore, führender Anbieter von Software-definiertenStorage-Architekturen und Speichervirtualisierungssoftware, und Fujitsu, führender Hersteller von Informations- und Kommunikations-Technologie, liefern ab sofort die gemeinsam entwickelte Produktlinie ‚Fujitsu DataCore SVA’ (Storage Virtualization Appliance) an Partner und Endkunden aus. Die hoch performanten Appliances kombinieren DataCores Speichervirtualisierung SANsymphony™-V mit der fortschrittlichsten...

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Toshiba kündigt neue externe Festplatten mit 4 und 5 TB an

Die Storage Peripheral Division der Toshiba Europe GmbH (TEG) erweitert ihre STOR.E-Canvio-Desktop-Reihe um Modelle mit Speicherkapazitäten von 4 und 5 TB

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UK businesses are struggling to maintain security and control in an increasingly cloud and...
Seagate Technology plc has completed its previously announced acquisition of Xyratex Ltd, a leading...
DataCore Software has introduced vFilO™ software, its next-generation distributed file and object...
Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection and hybrid cloud storage currently celebrating its...
Scale Computing has given details of the successful implementation of their patented HyperCore...
Fujitsu delivers the choice and integration support services that organisations need to keep pace...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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