Bandwidth and network speeds exploding with Hyperscale deployments

Emulex Corporation has announced the results of a study of 1,623 European and US IT professionals, in which respondents provided insight into their enterprise data centre networking environments. The study, conducted in October 2014, found that 57 percent (%) of respondents have adopted hyperscale networking environments that require massive scalability in network resources. (tweet this) Of those respondents, more than half (51%) named increasing bandwidth as a major challenge in moving to...

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CTERA launches “Cloud Accelerator” Channel Program

CTERA Networks has launched its new global channel partner program to support managed service provider (MSP), Value Added Reseller (VAR), and distributor partners with comprehensive resources and programs to accelerate the capture of cloud storage opportunities.

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Fujitsu cures petabyte-scale data capacity management headaches with launch of new hyper-scale Storage ETERNUS CD10000

Fujitsu has introduced what it says is the world’s first storage system designed to grow as big and last as long as the online data it hosts. By creating a storage eco-system with unlimited capacity that is capable of living forever, the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS CD10000 helps organisations eliminate the major headaches associated with the exponential growth of data.

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New offering brings together Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Red Hat Ceph Storage to provide an...
HP Converged Systems save time, reduce risk and costs for EMIS by delivering multiple IT service...
Comprehensive solutions dramatically improve TCO and access to retained data.
Due to the improving economy and enhanced financial prospects in South Korea, enterprises embrace...
Coraid has appointed Dave Kresse as Chief Executive Officer. Kresse will lead the company’s...
A Fortune Global 500 financial services firm has selected CTERA’s Enterprise File Services...
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Three benefits of a converged infrastructure

ISG looked at the benefits of converged infrastructures, which combine data center components into centrally managed systems. NFLEX is a pre-configured converged infrastructure solution by NetApp and Fujitsu supporting all three ISG requirements.

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