Aalborg Kommune boosts service delivery with HP

HP Networking infrastructure ensures 24x7 mobility, increases IT flexibility, lowers environmental impact.

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VDI and SBC performance testing now easier and more realistic than ever with Login VSI 4.0

New Login VSI 4.0 dramatically improves ease of installation, test creation and test management, and offers unparalleled production level realism in workload patterns, datasets and test execution.

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IT-Automatisierung findet Fehler und beseitigt Störungen in wenigen Minuten

Das traditionelle Incident-Handling in der IT ist eine Abfolge manueller Tätigkeiten. Große Fehleranfälligkeit und hoher Zeitaufwand sind die Folge. Manuelle Prozesse sind aber völlig unnötig, sagt Managed-Services-Anbieter IPsoft, wenn eine End-to-End-Automatisierungslösung genutzt wird

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Supermicro is previewing new, completely re-designed X14 server platforms which will leverage...
Cloudian has introduced a consumption model financing program that provides customers with a public...
Simplified backup operations for virtual machines ensures the highest availability for...
CTERA has launched the next generation of CTERA Insight, a powerful visualization and analytics...
Cloudian says that its HyperStore® object storage software is now flash-optimized, enabling...
United Kingdom’s Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) has selected the Cray Shasta supercomputer to...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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