CiRBA plumbed into cloud management platforms enables placement automation, removes capacity risk and drives efficiency.
Read MoreExaGrid Systems, Inc. has received US Patent no. 8,412,848, building on the company’s history of innovation to solve data protection problems for its customers. The patent covers ExaGrid’s unique Zone-level deduplication method, a core component of ExaGrid’s deduplication technology.
Read MoreDie „Powering the Cloud“ Konferenzen SNW Europe, Virtualization World und Datacenter Technologies haben sich als „Pflichtveranstaltungen“ für europäische IT-Verantwortliche etabliert, die sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen bei Storage, Virtualisierung, Networking und weiteren Rechenzentrumstechnologien informieren wollen. Die Veranstalter sind stolz darauf, ihrer Zielgruppe die einzigen unabhängigen Veranstaltungen zu diesen Themen in Deutschland...
Read MoreOutsourcery plc has been accepted onto the Government’s G Cloud Framework. The G Cloud is the mechanism by which public sector organisations can procure flexible cloud-based services to allow them to take advantage of new technologies and achieve business benefits.
Read MoreRaises the bar for data-intensive application performance with new flash-optimised storage solution that drives down the cost of flash solutions by up to 75 percent.
Read MoreColt Technology Services is using the ADVA FSP 3000 to support Germany’s largest film festival, enabling over 400 screenings to more than 300,000 ticket buyers and 20,000 professionals from the international film community. ADVA Optical Networking provided the FSP 3000 to power a 10 Gigabit-per-second (Gbit/s) backbone link supporting high-definition (HD) video distribution to over 40 screens connected to a fiber-optic network provided by Colt.
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